War and The Collection and Dissemination of Information!

War and peace between people and countries has and always will involve the collection and dissemination of Information on one's enemies to verify facts, to evaluate honesty, to ensure trust, to secure peace, or plan for war!

And there are many types of information like: political information, economic information, religious information, philosophical information, scientific information, military information, war information, peace information, fake information, real information, misinformation, under information, over information, good information, bad information, right information, wrong information, correct information, incorrect information, over information and so on. 

And there are many ways to collect information on ones enemies including the fast retrieval approach, the slow gathering approach, the large collection approach, the small collection approach, the random sample collection approach, the methodically well planned collection approach, the public information collection approach, the super secrete spy approach, the space satellite approach, the drone approach, the internet search engine search engine algorithm approach, the radar approach, the underwater sonar approach, the internet spyware approach, the internet malware approach the internet cookie approach, the sneaker net approach, and so on and so forth.

Every government agency and business industry has been hacked via the internet and every 3 seconds a US citizen looses their identity today.

Isn't it a good thing that the plants, insects, amphibians, fish, birds, and mammals are not smart enough collect and disseminate information on their enemies?

Isn't it good they can't destroy what God created by building nuclear, or chemical weapons that can destroy the entire world, all beautiful living things, God's Creation, and the Garden of Eden like the wiser, more educated, highly sophisticated, better dressed and higher IQ human beings of the planet can do? Are we man or beast? 


Ronald A. Blumenthal